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News Today - February 12th, 2005 (Saturday)
Srithika Starts Dance School : The Hindu - Downtown - August 28th, 2005 (Sunday)
Capturing the Nuances : The Hindu - Downtown - February 5th, 2006 (Sunday)
Mastery over firm footwork : The Hindu - Friday Review - February 15th, 2008
Ananda Vikadan - Issue - 29th September 2002
Lively Presentation : The Hindu - Downtown - November 12th, 2006 (Sunday)
Reflection of culture through natya : The Hindu, Downtown, September 21st (Sunday)
Lord Shiva as the five elements : Indian Express, Express Features, September 20th (Saturday)
 ©2024 Sri Kala Ranga
If you think, feel, and move,
we can dance ’

- Margaret N.H’Doubler